
Jun 11


A very warm welcome to my blog.

This is where I will communicate with you, my visitors, and invite you to join me in my nutritional world.  Your time is precious and you choose your reading with care.  So why pick this blog?  I offer my followers:

  • Weekly posts
  • FREE tips and suggestions
  • Features on seasonal foods and recipes
  • My comments on nutrition-related stories in the news
  • Guest posts from my friends in the world of wellbeing
  • Plus much more!

So join me on my journey into the wonderful world of blogging.  I hope that you will be informed and entertained along the way.  If there is anything that you would like to see on this blog, please feel free to leave a comment.

PLEASE NOTE: I welcome comments on this blog, but this is a constructive and friendly website, and you are invited to comment in that spirit.  Insulting, derogatory or offensive comments, either to myself my visitors (I reserve the right to decide which comments fall into this category), will not be tolerated, and will be removed.  If you use comments to promote a therapeutic modality which I do not support, I reserve the right to remove your post.

DISCLAIMER: This blog represents my personal opinions, which may or may not be shared by other Nutritional Therapists or health professionals.  It is not intended as a source of definitive advice for any particular individual or group of people.  When it may be helpful, I will refer to studies that support my opinions, but these will not represent the whole body of available research, nor are any of these posts intended as comprehensive reviews.  If you have any concerns about your health status, you should always consult your doctor.

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